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Take a Forge Skills Course
Level up your tech + creative skills.
10 Weeks, Start in Sept 2022
4-6 Hour Commitment / Week
Online and IRL for Fall 2022
Apply by Aug 31 at 11:59pm
Most of our programs are led by students like you. We believe that's a better way to learn.
What happens when students run their own school?
Our student teaching model means we can be more agile than any university or big company so we can transform our programs quickly as the world changes. It also means we can be better mentors and guides for you. We know where you might get stuck and how to guide you through those challenges because we've been in your shoes before.

This also means the programs we offer are constantly changing and improving, enabling you to learn skills that are more up-to-date than what you might learn in a typical classroom. And we know what makes a lesson fun (or extremely boring), so we always design programs that we'd want to participate in ourselves.
No grades or tests, ever.
Shouldn't learning new stuff be fun?
We know we might be the first experience you have with a new skill, whether it be software development, graphic design, digital marketing, data science, or anything else that we offer. We love to make these experiences fun, safe, exciting, and free of traditional academic pressures or prereqs.

That's why accessibility to all students is so vital to us. Regardless of your financial situation, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or even your past experiences - you have a place here.
We create opportunities for you to put your new skills to work.
Why wait to make an impact on the world?
We believe that people with the skills to make positive change have a responsibility to do so. That's why our curriculum, projects, and partnerships focus on how we can positively impact Charlottesville and our broader communities.

Maybe you'll learn how to analyze climate change data in our data science courses. Maybe you'll learn digital marketing skills to help local businesses survive the impacts of COVID-19. Or maybe you'll get matched with an internship where you can design an app to help veterans manage their PTSD.

Whatever you choose to do, we'll introduce you to ways you can use what you learn at Forge to make a positive impact today.
Discover more about how we can help you
discover and develop your talents.