Launch Internship Program
How It Works
Learn more about how the Launch internship placement program works.
Choose a skill track
Learn to make fully functional web applications with modern languages and frameworks.
Learn how to produce integrated marketing campaigns using the latest tools and technology, from start to finish.
Learn to make compelling predictive models and manipulate large datasets to deliver impactful insights.
Dive into hands-on training
Technical Skills Development
You'll develop technical skills and professional knowledge related to your field:
  • Digital Marketing
  • Software Engineering
  • Data Science
Learn more about each skill on the Tracks page.
Rock your summer internship
In the spring, our team will match you with one of our company partners for your summer internship. The internships offered through Launch are unique and unlike what you'd typically find at a career fair or on Handshake. You'll tell us what criteria matters most to you (industry, remote work policy, location, type of work, etc.) and we'll present you with the options that best fit what you are looking for.

All candidates will have the opportunity to interview for their selected roles and have the ultimate decision on whether or not they accept. It's important to us that you are matched with a role that you are excited about!

All Launch internships are 9 weeks (June 10-August 9, 2023). Interns are expected to work full-time (expect 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday*). There will be both remote and in-person opportunities, and we'll take your preferences into consideration before matching you with a role.
*Hours may vary depending on each company's schedule.
Get paid for your time
All Launch internships are paid. We guarantee that you will earn a minimum of $3,660* at the end of the summer, after paying tuition. Internships pay $21-29/hour, or $7,560-$10,440 for a nine week internship. The median hourly rate is $24/hour. Those high rates are because companies know you'll come trained and prepared to make an impact on day one. And you'll always know exactly how much you'll earn before you apply to a given Launch internship. Read more about payment and tuition here.
*This does not account for taxes.